Abortion Access
Need help accessing an abortion
Abortion is banned or severely restricted in some states and getting and taking abortion pills can be legally risky. If you are considering self-managed abortion, the Repro Legal Helpline can help answer your legal questions. The following information is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical or legal advice. For information on how to keep your information safe, visit: https://www.reprolegalhelpline.org/internet-safety/
Self-managing abortion with pills:
Medical, legal and other information on safe, effective self-managed abortion with pills.
Staffed by medical professionals, get confidential medical help self-managing a miscarriage or abortion.
This helpline allows you to speak to an advocate who can give you legal information about self-managed abortion. (Available in English & Spanish)
How abortion pills works, what to expect and how to stay safe
The basics of how abortion medication works, how to prep and what the process looks like.
The Reprocare healthline provides medical information and peer-based emotional support for planning or having an abortion with pills at home. (Available in English and Spanish by phone call or text)
Abortion care via telehealth
Note: Some U.S. based physicians are now mailing pills to all 50 states, regardless of the law in those states. There may still be legal risk for having an abortion depending on your state laws. If you are considering self-managed abortion, the Repro Legal Helpline can help answer your legal questions. To reach a physician mailing pills to all 50 states:
Get abortion medication, birth control, and treatment for sexual infections delivered.
The MAP serves abortion seekers in all 50 states who are 11 weeks pregnant or less at initial contact; the pills arrive within 2-5 days. All services are provided by clinicians who are experienced medication abortion providers, hold a Massachusetts license.
Linking people to accurate information, abortion pills by mail, and clinician support if desired
Abortion care via in-person provider
Travel, finances, and other logistical planning.
Funding and support: logistics, planning, travel, etc.
Find your local abortion fund for logistical support or support paying for an abortion.
What to know and how to protect your personal and reproductive data from being shared.
If you are pregnant and unsure how to feel or what to do next, or you want to talk about a past or current experience with abortion, adoption, parenting, infertility or pregnancy loss, call the talkline.
A 24/7 hotline for those who may be experiencing domestic violence.
A quick breakdown of immigrant rights, including what to do when encountering law enforcement.
The privacy first period tracker that provides comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information, including abortion.
Legal information
This helpline allows you to speak to an advocate who can give you legal information about self-managed abortion. (Available in English & Spanish)
information on current state restrictions as well as support resources and assistance.
Image courtesy of We Testify